Mental Health Support and Resources

For support click to see support services


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”medium” title=”Mental Health resources”]URC Scotland Mental Health resources[/button]


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”bereavement resources”]Bereavement Resources[/button]


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”Tips for talking about mental health”]Tips for talking about mental health[/button]


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”Help with Depression”]Self-help with depression[/button]


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”Support in Mind – Scotland”]Support in Mind: Scotland[/button]


[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small”]Self Help Resources from Elament[/button]


A young man’s reflection on depression     [button color=”default” link=” ” size=”default” target=”_blank” block=”false” title=”Click here to watch”]Click here . . .[/button]


Bereavement Support for Young people – SOAR [button color=”default” link=”” size=”default” target=”_blank” block=”false”]S O A R.[/button]


[button color=”default” link=”” size=”default” target=”_self” block=”false”]Mental health access pack[/button]


Mental Health Resources for young people [button color=”default” link=”—Young-People” size=”default” target=”_self” block=”false”]Resources for young people[/button]

Mental health Resources for parents and carers of young people  [button color=”default” link=”—Parents-and-Carers” size=”default” target=”_self” block=”false”]Resources for carers of young people[/button]