Scottish Synod – Women’s Union – A.B.M. report – September 2011

Mrs. Margaret Gillan gives a brief report of the Annual Business Meeting of the Women’s Union of the Synod for Scotland of the URC…

 The WU meeting agreed to send £200 to Christian Aid for Trade Justice.

 The final figure for this year’s Project, the Girls Brigade Christian Movement in Scotland, was £2080. Our donation will go towards the upgrading of lodges in Pitlochrie for weekends away and training.

 Syllabus Cards 2011/2012 were prepared by Rev’d. Fiona Bennett, entitled ‘Radical Welcome’ and we look forward to using it over the coming year.

 Mrs Ruth Laing, Coatbridge, is now our representative on WDP National Committee and Mrs Maureen Geddes, Stewarton our new treasurer for FLC.

 Our Project for 2011/12 is ‘Sense Scotland’, a charity working with deaf-blind and disabled children and adults across Scotland.  Information leaflets with contacts for speakers are available.


The Christian Women’s Scottish Convention will take place on 23 – 25 March 2012 at the Athol Centre in Pitlochrie at a cost of £99 for the weekend.  The speaker will be Revd. Ruth Crofton, from Durham.  To book or for further information, please contact Mrs Lyn Higton.