Any news we have concerning Bicentenary Events and possible Web-links will be posted here.
The Church celebrated the bicentenary of Livingstone’s birth with an evening service on 19th March 2013, the anniversary of his birth. The Guest Preacher was Lawrence Moore, Director of The U.R.C. Windermere Centre.
An Offering was taken for the work of the David Livingstone Memorial Trust.
Approximately 160 people attended the service.
This was the only non-conformist celebration of the life and witness of this child of Scottish Congregationalism. A report and link to a video of the service is found elsewhere in the Livingstone section of this WebSite.
An archive of events held during the Bicentenary year has been created and is located in the sanctuary as part of the David Livingstone display. A collection of newspaper articles is on display in the Church Hall.
Visiting the Livingstone Family Church. To mark the Bicentenary of the birth of the congregation’s most famous son, the Church will be open for visitors to see the Livingstone memorabilia on the first Wednesday of each month from February to July 2013; or at other mutually convenient times. However it is essential that you confirm your wish to visit. Please use the e-mail link at the top right of this page. We regret we cannot guarantee access at short notice.
The Church of Scotland, Livingstone Memorial Parish Church, Blantyre held a Bicentenary Service on Sunday 17th March 2013, at 2:00 p.m.
There was also an Anglican/Presbyterian Service in Westminster Abbey on the evening of the 19th March.
News of development of the Blantyre Centre
[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”Livingstone Centre”]Livingstone Centre Development[/button]
Glasgow University has produced a video to mark the bicentenary of Livingstone’s birth.
[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small” title=”Glasgow University Video”]Glasgow University Video[/button]
The National Museum of Scotland will be holding a Bicentenary Exhibition ‘Doctor Livingstone; I presume!’ from 23rd November 2012 – 7 April 2013 and also a series of lectures.
[button link=”,_i_presume.aspx” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small”]National M useum Website[/button]
Lovemore Mazibuko, Acting Director of Culture, Museums of Malawi and Humza Yousaf, Minister for External Affairs and International Development of the Scottish Parliament, at the reception for the official opening of
‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume?’ Exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland.
National Trust for Scotland / Scottish Malawi Partnership / Scottish Government dedicated Livingstone 200 Website
[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small”]Livingstone 200 Website[/button]
Many Events are also planned to be held at the David Livingstone Centre, Blantyre
[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small”]Livingstone Centre, Blantyre[/button]
Sarah Worden of the Museum went to Malawi to assist with the preparation of the exhibition – follow the link to her blog
There will be a Service in Westminster Abbey at 5:30 on 19th March 2013. Further details will be posted when available.
Zambia’s year of Celebration
[button link=”” color=”default” target=”_blank” size=”small”]Zambia Events[/button]